Off Campus Lunch Passes
Students who would like an off-campus lunch pass must meet the following requirements;
- Student must be in 11th or 12th grade and at least 16 years of age
- Follow all Board Policy and BHS Conduct Code rules
- Depart and arrive BHS at the fire lane gate, within the scheduled lunch time
- Maintain an acceptable attendance record with no truancies
- Maintain a 2.0 GPA in order to leave campus for lunch
- Arrive to class on time without returning late
- Proper behavior and respect towards campus safety monitors and staff
- Food from outside campus will be consumed prior to the dismissal bell and not allowed in class
- You may not leave school grounds unless you show your lunch permit, NO EXCEPTIONS!
- No temporary passes or reprints will be issued unless otherwise specified by an administrator.
At the discretion of administration, any violation of these rules will result in the revocation of off-campus lunch permit privileges for up to and including the remainder of the school year.
Parents will be required to come in to the office (Assistant Principal Trinidad Gonzales) to sign their students’ off-campus lunch permit contract as well as show their valid ID. Off-campus lunch permit contracts must be picked up and turned into Ms. Brenda Ashbrook in Mr. Gonzales's office. Students arriving late to their class after lunch will have their lunch pass revoked.
Note: Students must have an off-campus pass in their possession in order to leave campus for lunch.