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Barstow High School

Dress Code

Barstow High School is dedicated to preparing each of our students for college, career, and life. Practicing successful life skills is a part of Barstow High School’s educational philosophy. Dressing appropriately is a key factor of that preparation and education. The dress code has been designed with the following goals:
● Barstow High School is a place of business where students learn and practice the skills necessary for being successful adults.
● Students should dress appropriately at all times.
● Barstow High School must be a safe and effective school so that all students have the opportunity to learn.
Students should dress with these goals in mind. The following guidelines will assist you in the selection of school clothing and accessories:
  1. Clothing should not appear gang related nor depict inappropriate subjects or activities.
    • Known gang styles, accessories, symbols, and clothing modifications are prohibited.
    • Clothing graphics, which depict anti-social behavior, controlled substances, alcoholic beverages, violence, weapons, sexual activities, or gangs are prohibited.
    • Belts and buckles must be without any form of inappropriate symbols or words.
    • Bandanas, hairnets, do-rags, and nylon caps/headgear are not permitted on campus.
    • Chains and spikes on wallets, bracelets, necklaces, etc. may not be worn or brought to campus.
  2. Clothing shall be properly sized.
    • Pants may have a relaxed fit but may not be excessively low riding.
    • Belts must be of a proper length and have their ends tucked within the belt or pant loops.
    • Skirts or dresses should be not extremely short and must be worn at modest lengths and fit.
  3. Clothing shall be worn in a manner appropriate for school and work.
    • Clothing shall not be immodest. Crop tops, short shorts/skirts, halter tops, tank tops, swimsuits, low cut blouses, undershirts, muscle shirts, anything see-through, strapless, or backless shirts are not appropriate for school.
    • Underwear including bra straps and boxers may not be exposed.
    • Bare midriffs/stomachs are completely prohibited on campus.
    • Pajamas, sleepwear, and slippers are prohibited on campus.
    • Clothing must be neat, well-maintained, and without holes.
Students not dressed appropriately will have inappropriate clothing confiscated and given clothes to wear at school that day or they will be suspended in-school until the parent/guardian can bring proper clothing. Students are also subject to disciplinary action for violation of this school/district dress code.
*NOTE: Pagers and cell phones may only be used on campus during passing periods, brunch, and lunch as per California Education Code 48901.5 and Board Policy 5142.4. If used or signaled while in office areas or in classrooms, students in possession of these are subject to disciplinary action. Rev. 6/2019
Anything not specifically covered in the rules and regulations that are disruptive to the educational process or considered to pose a safety hazard will be left to the discretion of the school administration or designee (see Board Policy 5132 and Administrative Regulation 5132).

BHS Dress Code
BHS Dress Code with Medallion logo
Spanish Dress Code
First page of the PDF file: SPAN2023-24DressCode